I have survived :)

I have survived teaching my first month of kindergarten!! Friday started off great, I had a meeting with my mentor and we chatted for a good 45 minutes. She has such a nurturing spirit I absolutely love talking to her. She also has this ability to has me want to be the best teacher. I think it is a combination of me wanting to be the best teacher and her love of teaching rubs off on me. I make sure to reflect on my day and think about what worked and what didn’t. It has really helped me to tweak things in my classroom so it runs smoother.

I absolutely love the district I work for as well as the kinder team I am apart of. They are very supportive from the superintendent down to the principal. They say that new teachers are going to make mistakes and it is ok (as long as it isn’t illegal or abusive). Everyone talks about the necessity to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!! It is so true. I have been in the prek field for 16 years so to say I am a first year teacher seems crazy to me. In the classroom it is the same but working in a school is different with the training, meetings, and schedule. I have come home at night and won’t even talk. That is pretty odd because anyone who knows me knows I can talk!!! I worried how my health would hold up but I know what I need to do.

My health continues to get better and better. I have lost 70 pounds and I was off my diabetes medication for a month. I had to go back on it when I was putting my classroom back together. My dr and I figured it was the stress of being at a new job and once things calmed down I could probably get off of it again. The good thing is I am only taking half of the doses I was before so my body is still doing better. I need to start doing more weight training so I can tone my muscles and skin. One thing that has been working great for me is adding in Amla and Cinnamon (Ceylon)  to my supplement regime. When I don’t take them my sugars are higher that when I do. I am interested to see what my A1C will be in a few weeks, 3 months it was at 5.7.

I’m looking at my desk and how cluttered it is so I better end this and clean! If you are reading this, I hope you are well.

Be Blessed!



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